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Common uses for Hypnosis




Hypnosis is a very effective and completely safe therapy that takes advantage of the power of your subconscious mind. It is an altered but natural state, where you - the client - will stay in full control while Bianca will guide you into the hypnotic state to move towards reaching your goals. This powerful state is unlocking your own inner resources and there are a multitude of different techniques that will be tailored to best suit your needs.



Weight Loss


Have you been trying to lose weight and have not been able to drop the pounds? Or are you constantly gaining the weight back that you lose? Then hypnotherapy can help you to finally reach your weight goals. Hypnosis for weight loss is a 3 to 5 session protocol, where we will use a variety of techniques and modalities, helping you to have more will power to eat the right foods at the right time in the right amount and to also uncover and clear underlying reasons for the extra weight you are carrying. A regular exercise routine will help you achieve your goals even faster. These sessions will also include creating a custom plan for you for your diet and what exercises to include into your life to get the results that you are looking for. 



Smoking Cessation


Smoking is an addiction that can be very difficult to break. If you are ready to break your smoking habit, then hypnosis is an effective and safe way to get you to stop smoking. You can choose between a gradual approach or going "cold turkey" and within 3 sessions of hypnosis most people that came in with the willingness to stop smoking, will achieve their goal and never light a cigarette again.



Restful Sleep


Are you having a hard time falling asleep at night? Or do you wake up frequently and are not getting the rest that your body needs? Then hypnotherapy can help you to drastically improve your sleep pattern and the quality of your sleep. After just one session of hypnosis and techniques for meditation before going to sleep you will improve your sleep pattern. If you have a chronic sleep disorder, it will take 3 to 5 sessions to help you toward more restful sleep.



Stress Reduction


Most people in the United States experience high stress levels on a daily basis. Experiencing stress is unhealthy for your body and your mind. It can manifest in the body as high blood pressure, heart disease, digestive problems, sleeplessness, depression, weight gain, autoimmune diseases, skin conditions, or pain of any kind. Hypnotherapy can help you to radically reduce or even eliminate the stress in your daily life. Have you ever thought about the fact that the stress you experience is a choice that you have made in your mind? Mostly it is not your conscious mind that is making the choice to be stressed by a certain situation, but your subconscious mind. That is why hypnosis is so effective in treating stress, because hypnosis works directly with the subconscious mind.



Increase Joy


Have you been feeling rather unhappy or maybe just bored in life? Hypnosis can help you to practice changing your mindset, think more positive thoughts and move in the direction of feeling joy and happiness. You will also be guided to think about the positive aspects of your current situation and to practice stepping into a sense of gratefulness. This shift into thinking more positive thoughts, will raise your emotional set point and increase the quality of your life.



Pain Management


If you are suffering from pain of any kind, hypnosis can reduce or eliminate the pain you are experiencing and you will learn techniques like glove anesthesia, that you will be able to use on yourself to help you alleviate pain of any kind. For this type of hypnosis a doctors referral is required. Pain is a signal of your body that should not just be ignored. It is important to know the cause of the pain. Sometimes the cause is psychosomatic in nature and we will be able to find the reason for your pain with the help of hypnotic regression and clear the underlying reason.









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